How do I invite users to ControlHub?

To invite or add more users to your account:

  1. Locate and click the Settings gear icon ⚙️ on the top-right corner of the screen.
  2. Head over to the Users subtab.
  3. Click on the Invite User button.

If your ControlHub account is connected to Slack, we recommend to invite users using the Invite from Slack option. Users will receive both Slack as well as email invites.

If your ControlHub account is not connected to Slack, type or paste the user(s) email addresses (you can invite several users at the same time by pasting a list of email addresses. Make sure your list of email addresses are separated by a space or comma before copying it). 

Refresh the Users screen and you'll see the new user(s) added, with an “invite pending” status. Even if that person has not accepted the invite yet, you'll be able to set their user Role and Team. You can also re-send them a welcome message.

Please note that only users with the permission Edit company settings, add users and modify teams can add/invite new users to your ControlHub account.

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