How do I "close" a Purchase Order (PO)?

Purchase Orders will automatically Close once you receive ALL of their items. To learn how to receive your items, please check our article on this process.

Additionally, you can Close POs without receiving their items by following this process:

  1. Go to the Purchase tab / POs subtab to view a list of your POs.
  2. Search for the PO you want to edit by using the Search bar, or by filtering by PO Status or Order Status. Please note that Closed POs cannot be canceled or modified.
  3. Click on the PO you want to close, to view the PO Details screen. Once there, click on the +More Actions button.
  4. Select Close PO.
  5. You will be prompted with a confirmation screen, where you will be able to Close the PO or Receive the items first.
  6. Click on Close PO.

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