How can I add a footer to a new PO?

It is possible to add a Footer to your POs every time you generate a new one.

A purchase order Footer is the section located at the bottom of a PO document. It typically contains essential information related to the purchase order and serves as a concluding part of the document.

To add a Footer to a PO:

  1. Open the PO Generator (when creating a new PO, or editing an existing one).
  2. Scroll down to find the 📝 Footer section.
  3. Add content and click on Save.

The specific content of a purchase order footer may vary depending on your company's policies and requirements. Here are some common elements found in a purchase order footer:

  • Terms and Conditions
  • Vendor Acknowledgement
  • Contact Information
  • Purchase Order Number
  • Authorized Signatures
  • Additional Notes

Tip: If the text of your footer is extensive, or you require additional pages or documents, we recommend either (a) adding a URL link to your footer referencing a webpage or cloud document, or (b) attaching additional documents to your PO.

To learn how to set up a Default PO Footer in ControlHub, please check our article How can I modify the default footer for my POs?

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