Where is my Request ID?

To find the ID of a Request (also known as the “Request ID”):

A. If it’s your own request:

  1. Head over to the My Requests tab to view your previously submitted requests.
  2. You can use either List view or Kanban view by clicking on their icons on the right side of the screen. 
  3. Apply filters and/or add keywords to the search bar to filter out the Requests:
  4. Click on the Request in question to open the Request Details view.
  5. You'll find the Request ID on the bottom left corner of the screen.

B. If you have Admin and/or Report viewing permissions:

  1. Go to the Reports Tab to view all users requests:
  2. Head over to the Company Requests subtab.
  3. Apply filters and/or add keywords to the search bar to filter out the Requests:
  4. Click on the Request in question to open the Request Details view.
  5. You'll find the Request ID on the bottom left corner of the screen.

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