Can I edit the Categories of a Request after it's been submitted for Approval?

Yes, you can always modify the Categories (including the Account) assigned to a Request.

To edit your own Request's Categories:
  1. To edit the Category(s) of your own Request, head over to the My Requests tab.
  2. You can visualize your Requests either using List view or Kanban view, by clicking on their respective buttons on the top right side of the screen. Use filters and the search bar to narrow down your request(s):
    1. If in Kanban view, search for your Request under the Pending Approval column or by using the search bar.
    2. If in List view, according to your search terms and filters, matching results will show on top of the list.
  3. Click on the Request you wish to edit, to view the Request Details screen.
  4. Click on the pencil icon ✏ next to the Category section.
  5. Make changes to the categories of the request as needed.
  6. Click on Save.
To edit the Categories of another user's Request (admin permissions required):
  1. Go to the Reports tab and then click on the Company Requests subtab.
  2. Use the search bar and filters to narrow down your results.
  3. Click on the Request you wish to edit, to view the Request Details screen.
  4. Click on the pencil icon ✏ next to the Category section.
  5. Make changes to the categories of the request as needed.
  6. Click on Save.

Please note that Approvers can also modify the Categories of a Request during the Approval process at the moment they are approving a Request.

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