How do I set Approval Rules?

Head over to your account Settings (top right gear icon ⚙️) and then on the Approval Rules subtab.

To create a new Approval Rule, click on the +Add Ruleset button.

First, give your rule a Name.

Criteria give you the ability to make your rule conditional on variables. When a condition is met, the rule will apply. You can add multiple criteria to a rule.

Please note that some Criteria variables such as "Categories'' and "Teams" need to be predefined first so they have elements to select. For more information on this, please check our articles on How to add a Category and "How to add a Team" articles.

Thresholds allow you to set monetary levels at which specific user(s) approvals are required. 

The Override Seniority checkbox should be used only if you want a specific rule to also apply to that same rule’s approvers, meaning that regardless of their seniority and approval threshold, even approvers with lower thresholds will need to approve their requests.

Important Note: We strongly encourage our users to always test your rules using the Rules Tester. When testing rules, try to replicate all possible scenarios to ensure no loopholes, gaps or conflicts exist with your rules. You can find the Rules Tester on the same tab of your Approval Rules, on the right side of the screen.

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